Monday, July 13, 2015

Brewery Trial Recipe: Saison 2.0

For the first iteration of the Session Saison for the brewery, I got pretty close to what I wanted.  It needed to dry out a little more to hit that 4.5% ABV I wanted.  I upped the Vienna and Sugar and backed off a touch on the Flaked Oats and Base Malt.  The dry hopped version and spiced version were both good beers, but a blend of the two really took it up a notch, so on this rendition I spiced the whole thing in the kettle, and then dry hopped the entire batch.  I got a little too much herbal from the first rendition, so I leaned a little more on the Meridian in this batch than the last one.  I also upped the IBUs a bit as well since the yeast seams to down play the bitterness quite a bit.  For fermentation on this batch I did a side by side with the yeast strain that is quickly standing out as the forerunner as the house yeast, and that same strain blended with another less attenuative and earthy strain.  This is the same blend that the first batch got, but instead of staggered pitches they were co-pitched.  I also cranked up the temp a few degrees to really push the esters.  So far the first pours from the kegs are very promising.

NAME: Tragic Magic
STYLE: Farmhouse Ale
TYPE: All Grain
SIZE:  11.5 gallons
OG: 1.038
FG:  1.004
ABV: 4.5%
SRM: 6
IBU: 45 (Modified Tinseth)

Efficeincy: 89% (mash)

Grain Bill:
Pilsner Malt, Vienna Malt, Flaked Oats, Chocolate Malt, Sugar

Hop Bill:
Crystal, Meridian, Nugget

Crisp, dry, bitter.

Blend for fruit and earth/spice vs. Tropical bomb

Spiced and Dry Hopped.

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