I started with the base of Vienna malt, and a touch of Carafa III special for a little deeper color to get it into the 11 SRM range which is perfect for both the Vienna Lager and the APA styles. I had just gotten 2# of Amarillo, and had 1# of Simcoe as well. These hops sounded like the perfect combo for Brett Trois juicy mango and pineapple. The initial taste 1 week into fermentation was super tropical and juicy. At this point I decided to switch from a blend of Amarillo and Simcoe to straight Simcoe on the Dry Hop for a touch more pine blended in. Per my normal DH regamin, I added the hops to the keg in a mesh bag, and started the carbing at room temp while dry hopping. I have had great results dry hopping under pressure at room temp.
Sorry in advance that there aren't many pix for this one, I had a one track mind that brewday, get er done.
Gallons: 5.25
OG: 1.049
FG: 1.011
ABV: 5.0%
IBUs: 54
SRM: 11
Efficiency: 87%
8.50# Vienna Malt (98.3%)
0.15# Carafa Special III (1.7%)
Mash 10 hours @ 150
Boil 30 mins:
15 mins 2.00 oz Amarillo 9.50%AA
15 mins 2.00 oz Simcoe 13.00%AA
WP 25 2.00 oz Amarillo 9.50%AA
WP 25 2.00 oz Simcoe 13.00%AA
DH 2.40 oz Simcoe 9.50 %AA
Kettle Additions:
Gypsum: Mash 1/2 tsp; Sparge 1/2 tsp; Boil 1 tsp
Epsom Salts: Mash 1/16 tsp; Sparge 1/16 tsp
Calcium Chloride: Mash 5/16 tsp; Sparge 5/16 tsp
Lactic Acid: Sparge 0.55 ml
Yeast Nutrient: 2 taps
Whirfloc: 1 each
Cooled to: 64*F
WLP 644 Brett Brux Trois (1.5L Yeast Extract Stirred Starter)
65-68*F 5 days
70-72*F 3 days
76-78*F 2 days
62-64*F 3 days (DH while carbing)
39-41*F 4 days (Fridge and finish carbing)

Signs of fermentation within hours, krausen beginning to build by bed time.
5/4 Krausen up by morning before church, sitting at 65-66*F.
5/6 Added heating blanket to keep temp up as the entertainment room is part of the garage and not fully insulated. Set to low. Up to 68-69*F.
5/8 Raised temp up to low 70s, krausen dropping, fermentation slowing.
5/11 Pulled sample, down to 1.012 and so fruity! Bumped up to high 70s to finish off.
5/13 Down to 1.011. Kegged with 2.4oz 2012 Simcoe pellet hops. Carbing warm in 60s while dry hopping.
5/16 Placed in beer fridge to chill while on Youth Retreat, and finish carbing.
5/19 Bottled off some for the Sasquatch Homebrew BJCP comp on 5/31.
5/31 Took 1st place in American Pale Ales at Sasquatch Homebrew Comp. Knocked out of BoS for having a medicinal note in the finish, but no one even thought of Brett, and were shocked when I told them what it was fermented with.
5/19 Bottled off some for the Sasquatch Homebrew BJCP comp on 5/31.
5/31 Took 1st place in American Pale Ales at Sasquatch Homebrew Comp. Knocked out of BoS for having a medicinal note in the finish, but no one even thought of Brett, and were shocked when I told them what it was fermented with.
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