Look: Pours a super hazy golden rod. Looks like a milkshake with a massive, thick, billowing pure white head. Head retains forever, drops to a thick cap, and leaves tons of lace all the way down.

Flavor: Tastes like bread, doughy, lots of citrus again, mainly orange, light sweetness, spicy, white pepper, floral hop notes.
Mouthfeel: Light and crisp on the tongue, spritzy carbonation, light tartness. Finish has an apparent, but soft bitterness that persists, very nice and balancing toward ISA.
Overall: Solid Witbier, White ISA, not so much. The hops dropped off quick, even after dry hopping the citrus and spice was prominent. Hop flavor is low and the aroma is hard to get through all the fruit and spice. The PC Fantome strain did really well in this beer. Nice doughy malt, floral, subtle spiciness from the yeast, fruity. May have to do this one again next year for a summer wit.
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