Autumn hit and almost instantaneously my taste buds shifted quickly away from light, fruity, crisp, refreshing, to big, bold, dark, dank, full bodied, malty, bitter, hoppy, warming. Couple that with all the freshly dried and packaged hops from this year's harvest, and my mind began to churn up an idea. I wanted a beer that screamed AUTUMN. Biscuits, warm malt, body, lightly chewy, sweetish, sweet breads, spicy, all to hold up a big resinous, piney, pithy hop profile - no tropical fruits or melons, something much bigger and heavier. I concocted the recipe, and brewed it up, double dry hopping, and serving quick from the keg. I must say, I think I hit it spot on. Many of the guys in the club tried it at our meeting and really liked it, positive feedback all around, and the president said keep the recipe and re-do that beer. I plan on it, especially in the Spring for the annual (and local) Sasquatch Brew Fest (which I placed in 3 categories last year). This beer would make a great Glen Beer (special tribute beer to Glen Hay Falconer [where Falconer's Flight get their name] big, malty, dark, and absurdly hoppy).
Pours a fairly clear (for a double Dry Hopped beer) deep red with a super sticky thick khaki head. Leaves really nice lace and a thick foam ring with each sip. Some legs evident as well from the alcohol. Head fades down to a thick whispy cap
It's like shoving your nose in a bag of hops, are walking into the hop room at a brewery. Big dank hop resin, pine needles, grapefruit pith, spicy, touch of berries. Background cocoa, bread dough, sweet malts, and alcohol.
First rush is hop oils coating the tongue, giving way to biscuits, resin, more pine. Fruity, berries, spicy hop notes, sweet malt palate. Bready. Not as crisp as I'd like, kind of a "heavy" taste to it. Alcohol is there, but very hidden.
Medium to Med-Full body, combo of semi-dry, and alcohol, sweet, with a big bitterness cleansing the palate. Balanced bitterness and malt with alcohol. Warming alcohol in the back.
Very nice Imperial Red IPA. Balanced, bitter, alcohol, malty, lots of hops everywhere. Too drinkable. Hit spot on for the flavors I was shooting for. The heaviness in the finish is kind of flabby, need to retool for this aspect. Not sure if this is brewing salt related, or malt related. Possibly cut back on the flaked barley, or cut it out next time? Possible pH of finished beer issue, might try adding a touch of acid to a glass to see if that helps before tweeking the malts.
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