Pours a clear pale gold with a hint of orange under a dense and tight white head that falls way too quick for a Saison. Thin ring leaves mild splattering on the glass. Bubbles flutter up the glass.
Herbal and floral hops with a hint of spiciness lead the charge giving way to an earthy yeast note. Pears and citrus with a touch of pineapple esters and a rosey alcohol float atop crackery malts and wheat with a light rye.
Pears and citrus give way to earthy phenols and a rye bite. Crackery and rustic malt rear up behind notes of floral and spicy hops. Bitterness is high and a little off putting as well as the hop flavor. Complex to say the least. The malt is medium low while everything else fires on medium high. Lots of flavor for such a small beer. No astringency.
Light body with bone dry and very bitter finish. Bubbles dance on the tongue, no alcohol bite.
Crushable high flavor session beer. The complexity is right where it should be for a Saison. The bitterness and hop flavor are a little too high as they linger too long into the finish instead of cleansing the palate. The head needs better retention for sure. These kegs have had some issues with foam which I think I have fixed with by insulating the collar on the keezer.