Pours a deep red to violet, thick white head drops fast to a tight ring that stays all the way through. No real lace is left. Super clear.
Smells like Brett funk and berries. Hints of tropical fruits from the Brett, and some deep oak with hints of wine barrel.
Taste mirrors the smell, basement funk, dusty, tart, lemons, berries, fruity, tannic oak, wine, light oxidation (cardboard) in the finish, clean acid - no acetic.
Puckering sour from the fruit, lactic acid, and super dry finish. Oak tannins, balanced to sour.
Very nice fruit sour. Complex. Great color, sour, funky, fruity. Could use a little more fruit, or drink it sooner as the jammy fruit is starting to fade from what it was in mid February (just post carb). Definitely a good wild ale. Deep oak. The oxidation is lower in this version than in the version that got mangoes and dry hops - need to stay out of my sours or flush with CO2 (now that I have it).