Every so often you come across a beer that you brew and you know that you got it right. This is one of those moments. It was one of my first Saisons. Honestly I gave more thought to the other Saison I brewed on the same day, a Rye Saison with Apricots named ApRYEcot. This beer was supposed to be a basic Saison while the other was to be a nice fruity, spicy Summer drinker. This beer evolved when I decided to pitch Brett at bottling and let a case age. That was extremely difficult with how good it turned out. And it's a good thing I was able to hold back on that case. When one our local, yet national, BJCP sanctioned homebrew comps hit this past February, I decided to enter it. I'm sure glad I did. I took 2nd place in the KLCC Homebrew Competition, Category 16: Belgian and French Ales. 1st place went to a very talented homebrewer, who consequently I tied for 2nd place and then beat out in a mini-best of show for the win, splitting him to 1st and 3rd.
Pours a clear gold with 1+ finger of brilliantly white head that fades slow to a thin cap and nice ring leaving good lace. Lots of tiny bubbles continue to flutter to the top.
Smells of spicy Brett, light funk, hay, lemon, pepper, barnyard comes in as it warms.
Tastes the same as the nose, spicy, floral, lightly funky, hay, lemon, peach, lingering fruit in the finish.
Crisp dry finish, tart, but not sour, bubbly, light, smooth, bitterness lingers and makes for a perfect finish begging for another sip.
Very nice Saison. Refreshing, crisp, dry, spicy, light flowers and fruits, lots of Brett phenols, light Brett esters. Barnyard is restrained but the Brett is not. Could use more malt and hop flavors and aroma, but Brett tends to eat everything in sight and transform it. The Brett did it's job. Great carbonation and head, looks beautiful.