I originally brewed this recipe 2 months ago. It turned out really well, very tasty, but it is going so quick. I diverted a gallon of the first batch to a glass jug that I hit with Brett to bulk age for awhile, and then bottled in mostly 750ml champagne bottles, which gives me 3 tulip fills per bottle. Needless to say, we are flying through the first batch with those large bottles. I took a bottle into the home brew shop and had them try it out, and got really good feedback on it. I have been wanting more of it, so I set out to brew another batch of it with some twists. Seeing as I still have the yeast, the bittering hops, and the left over .5 oz of Hallertauer and Saphir from the first brew, it will only cost me around $13 for the three malts and an oz of Bobek. Not bad for 5.5 gallons of wonderfully tasty beer.
On this iteration I did change a few things. First, I did a step mash instead of a single infusion; on the first edition, I did 147*F, for this one I am doing 70 minutes at 144*F and 20 mins at 157*F (which I missed) to target a very fermentable wort that still has some body to it. This will also up the efficiency some (I assume), so I accounted for that as well. Second, I pushed the flavor hops back from 15 minutes to 25 to get more flavor from them. Lastly, I upped the fermentation temp 2*F to 77 this go round, and fermented for 4 weeks opposed to the 75*F for 7 days on the last one (yes, only one week from boil to bottle). I also ended up diverting 3/4 gallon on day one that I hit with Lacto, Pedio, and Brett, and added this back at bottling time for a sour Saison. My hope is for this beer to be slightly dryer, sour and funky with a little more hop flavor, and a little more head retention.
On this iteration I did change a few things. First, I did a step mash instead of a single infusion; on the first edition, I did 147*F, for this one I am doing 70 minutes at 144*F and 20 mins at 157*F (which I missed) to target a very fermentable wort that still has some body to it. This will also up the efficiency some (I assume), so I accounted for that as well. Second, I pushed the flavor hops back from 15 minutes to 25 to get more flavor from them. Lastly, I upped the fermentation temp 2*F to 77 this go round, and fermented for 4 weeks opposed to the 75*F for 7 days on the last one (yes, only one week from boil to bottle). I also ended up diverting 3/4 gallon on day one that I hit with Lacto, Pedio, and Brett, and added this back at bottling time for a sour Saison. My hope is for this beer to be slightly dryer, sour and funky with a little more hop flavor, and a little more head retention.
5.75 gallons
18 IBUs
5.3 ABV
3.5# GW Pale Malt
3.5# Weyermann Pilsner Malt
1.5# German Dark Wheat
Batch Sparge
45 minute rest @ 144*F (infuse w/ 13q 155*F water)
20 minute rest @ 148*F (infuse w/ 4q boiling water)
80% Efficiency (hit 86%)
90 minute boil
40 mins 0.4oz Nugget 15.0%AA
25 mins 0.6oz Styrian Bobek 3.8%AA
0 mins 0.4oz Styrian Bobek 3.8%AA
0 mins 0.5oz German Saphir 3.8%AA
0 mins 0.5oz Hallertauer Mittelfruh 4.6%AA
3/8 tsp Gypsum - Mash
3/8 tsp Calcium Chloride - Mash
3/8 tsp Gypsum - Boil
3/8 tsp Calcium Chloride - Boil
1 tab Whirfloc 12 minutes
1/4 tsp Yeast Nutrient 12 minutes
Chill to 68*F
1.5L Starter WY 3726 Farmhouse Ale (kept from previous batch)
77*F for 14 days
Ambient for 7 days
Bottle with 5.5 oz Dextrose for 2.8 vols CO2 @ 72*F for 14 days
OG 1.043
FG 1.003
Brewday went well; my attempt at a step mash failed though, my 144 mash temp hit perfect, but I lost 5*F over 45 minutes, and when I added the boiling water to bring it up to 158*F, I got 148*F, so this should be quite fermentable, but hopefully not thin. Had my second stuck sparge which helped to boost the efficiency up to 86% giving me a final gravity of 1.049. I diverted half a gallon off into 3 750ml bottles for Brett and Sour starters, and filled the carboy to 5.0 gallons. I then topped off with 0.7 gallons of preboiled water and took it to 1.043 OG. After aerating for 15 minutes I added the yeast slurry from the starter. The wort and yeast were churning up a storm after 2.5 hours. That night I took 3/4 gallons off with the auto-siphon during ferment to avoid a blow off and added sour dregs to the gallon jug I transferred to for a little fun funk. Krausen was good by next morning. By Monday morning fermentation appears to be complete and the Krausen seems to be falling back in.
3 weeks: A pellicle has formed atop the beer in primary confirming my sneaking suspicions that the yeast had gotten infected with the same wild strain that infected my previous batches.
4 weeks: Bottled the beer up by lowering the carbonation to 2.1 vols, and adding back in the 3/4 gallon of beer I had drawn off on day 1 and added the bug/Brett blend to. Bug/Brett blend shows nice acidity and slight funk, both finished at 1.003 so I am not too worried about bottle bombs. Set ferm chamber to 74*F for priming (1 week), then will move out to garage to sit ambient to finish carbing and to sour and funk up more.
3 weeks: A pellicle has formed atop the beer in primary confirming my sneaking suspicions that the yeast had gotten infected with the same wild strain that infected my previous batches.
4 weeks: Bottled the beer up by lowering the carbonation to 2.1 vols, and adding back in the 3/4 gallon of beer I had drawn off on day 1 and added the bug/Brett blend to. Bug/Brett blend shows nice acidity and slight funk, both finished at 1.003 so I am not too worried about bottle bombs. Set ferm chamber to 74*F for priming (1 week), then will move out to garage to sit ambient to finish carbing and to sour and funk up more.